The International Human Rights Commission-IHRC is a non-profit international human rights organization. The Head Quarter of IHRC is in Rajasthan, India. On 2 May 2019, IHRC was established under the 1882 Trust Act in Rajasthan, India The International Human Rights Commission is one of the world's leading independent organizations dedicated to protecting and protecting human rights and preventing human trafficking. With an international focus where human rights are violated, we give voice to the oppressed and hold the oppressors responsible for their crimes. Our rigorous, purposeful investigations and strategic, targeted advocacy create intense pressure for action and raise the cost of human rights abuses. For years, the IHRC has worked hard to lay the legal and ethical basis for deep-rooted change and has struggled to provide greater justice and protection to people around the world. The entire strong team of IHRC is working all over the world to stop human trafficking.



Krishna Kumar Sharma

Sangathan Mantri ( Prayagraj )

Sushil Kumar

Sangathan Mantri ( National )

Santosh Dharamaji Bhoir

Sangathan Mantri(L ( Maharashtra )

Mohamad Abdul Abid

National Secretary